Roll up! We’re really pleased to announce that government guidelines now mean we can have socially distanced live performance and entertainment in the Gardens!!!
Not only can we now provide some fabulous fun entertainment for eager visitors in our wonderful venue, but we can also support the return to work of some creative people and performers who have totally lost their livelihoods during lockdown.
Just as a taster, with yet more to come later….. we have 2 specially adapted performances for families:Wind in the Willows from Stratford based theatre ‘Tread the Boards’ and a super 2 person show ‘Alice in Lockdown’ played from a caravan by those stalwarts of Midlands open air theatre Heartbreak Productions.
Tickets will be on sale soon… but put these dates in your diary
Saturday 8th and 9th August for Wind in the Willows and
Friday 21st August for Alice in Lockdown
Many calculations and cogitations have gone into making sure these productions are safe and healthy for both players and audiences.
Audience members will be allocated self contained spaces; ‘bubbles’, across the Archery lawn and around the Gardens, where they can settle down for the show, properly socially distanced from everyone else – a great picnic experience for families too.
Car parking, ticket checking and finding your own special ‘bubble’ will all be managed in timed and safe ways too.
More is planned for the rest of the simmer for adults as well as families.
After such a difficult time for so many people we are thrilled to be able offer our Gardens space for some warming, healing and reviving activities this summer.
Stay in touch for more news…coming soon