We expect the government and scientific advice to change from time to time and have no doubt that sometimes things we plan or hope to do in the Gardens will have to be changed at the last minute.
We would like to share with you some of the basic assumptions and safeguards the Gardens will be operating and that are likely to stay the same throughout.
We still know so little about Covid-19….and it would be easy to begin to see other people as a potential ‘threat’ to our own health and wellbeing. We think..
Being out in open air is generally beneficial
Being in company is healing too.
2 Metre rule
In the gardens it is pretty easy to keep to 2 metre distancing.
So we think, even if the accepted rules change, we will continue to use 2 metres as a norm and will expect visitors to keep to that in the Gardens, where they can.
The Gardens are a place of escape and freedom from the city and bustle, so we don’t want to police every pathway.
We trust our visitors and users to think of others and for us all to co-operatively share the space.
Number limits
The Gardens are rarely crowded, but we will continue to put a cap on the number of people in the Gardens at any one time.
The new system for pre-booking will become a norm.
We will permit some ‘walk up’ visitors, but only within our limit at the time.
Pre-booking will become especially important with any activities we run in the future: like open air theatre, evening picnics, music or family activities.
Tickets for activities, and eventually events, will abide by number limits and fixed seating, spaces and ‘independent bubble’ areas will help us make sure we are all safe, but can enjoy things in as relaxed a manner as possible.
Ticket conditions of sale
Please be aware that tickets for entry and activities will shortly also specifically ask you to stay away if you have any of the recognised symptoms. A new refund policy will be introduced.
Track and trace.
The new prebooking system will also help with any future need to support tracking and tracing.
If any of our visitors or staff become infected, we will be able, with the help of the NHS, send basic information to those we know were in the Gardens.
Please note: your information will not be shared. We will just inform you what has happened and who to contact to support the track and trace investigation – if necessary!
Other aspects
These are the main changes and principles we will be keeping as consistently as possible. There will be others that will be more flexible according to the situation.
We are so please to be able to share the magic of the Gardens again with our visitors, so we are doing our best to keep that possible for as long s we can…. With your help #wegrowtogeher
NB we have risk assessments for the whole gardens,for our staff and volunteers and eventually for each event. These will be reviewed and updated as things progress. Please ask at the kiosk if you would like to see our current general risk assessment.
So please that you will be reopening soon I am a regular visitor to the gardens me and my husband enjoy the 1940 event the outdoor theatre and rare plant event and much more look forward to pré booking an event
We’re all glad to re-open, so thanks for lending your support .We have missed and lost so much already this year.. but we hope we can provide interesting things for the rest of the year. We do not yet know when we can do any organised events as such, but do come use the gardens for your picnics and absorb the atmosphere. #wegrowtogether