When we re-open the Gardens – whenever that will be – we know that social distancing will be a ‘new normal’ for some while…
So, the (still working) team here have been thinking about what that would look like. We want to help people feel safe when they come to visit, and know that others are looking out for their health too. Shops and supermarkets are using yellow floor tape and painted circles…that’s not quite the thing we want to do in our historic Garden.
We’ve come up with a number of ideas and one of them needs your help.
Smile Stones … have you seen them about?
There is a lovely phenomenon of people painting pebbles and leaving them in the environment for people to find, to make them smile, to think and sometimes to collect and pass on. (PS the advice at present during Covid-19 , is NOT to pick them up and move them – just a precaution)
Smile stones are a little piece of everyday sharing and of spreading love. We already have a few in the Gardens deposited (with permission) by local people.
We think stone and pebble smiles stones would make wonderful social distance markers all around our garden… Every 2 metres a bright little stone hedgehog or ladybird, or perhaps a heart lifting message to keep you going on to the next marker?
If you’d like to take part in helping brighten up our Gardens walking routes we’d love you to start now.
Below are some facebook pages and other things about how to paint stones.
How to get them to us
We will leave a plant pot attached to the (inner) gates of the Gardens – you can just pop your stones in there, and we’ll keep them ready for when we open (if the pot disappears , just roll your stones under the gate and our gardener will pick them up when she visits..)
Thank you – do pass on this activity to anyone you think might enjoy taking part.
PS … don’t spend money getting fancy paint… do what you can, a coat of clear nail varnish will do the trick – or any outdoor varnish you have in your diy cupboard – over the top of house paint/kids paint or marker pens will do!
Facebook has
and lots of groups in Erdington, Sutton Coldfield and Staffs — just search
Hi… as a Smilestone maker… I do not recommend PVA glue as a coating… it goes gluppy and will eventually wash off if outdoors in the rain. Thus ruining the design. It may be best to recommend a clear nail varnish or if possible a spray or yatch varnish from the £1 shop. Hope that helps…x
Hey, Thanks for that advice. I was going on instinct rather than experience, so its good to know. I didnt want people to feel they had to spend anything or go out and buy anything non essential, in theses times, but I guess many willhave nail varnish to hand. Ill change the text on your advice though. Many thanks