Our schools and informal outdoor programmes are growing fast .. (Whoopee!). We love that our magnificent space is able to give young children their first encounters with the outdoors and the wild.
This year we’re reviewing, revamping and reinvigorating all the modules and resource boxes we use
Have you got practical teaching and leading experience that will help our volunteers?
Want to be involved?
Are you a forest school leader, early years practitioner or maybe an experienced cub leader. We’d welcome your input.
We’re having a 2 hour practical ideas/resource slam to get our modules ready for delivery…
Its a big thing, but if you feel you can share some of your experience and expertise to help our young visitors have a great time in the Gardens please just turn up to the Gardens on Tuesday, 21st Jan 1pm (finishes at 3). Tea, cake and co-operative working await you
Hi I have just read your website that you are looking to do the 3 Rs. I would be interested inputting into ideas to take things forward. At the moment I am employed at a school in Perry Common which will come to an end in April through redundancy. I have worked in education for 22 years the majority of them being an Early Years Practitioner of which I am currently in that role. For the last 8 years I have been Forest school trained and planned and delivered weekly sessions across school. I have organised staff and parent/ child workshops related to the woods which is on school site. Although I would be willing to voluntary work I am looking for employment when my job comes to an end. If this is something that maybe considered or of whom I would need to contact on this matter I would very grateful. Thanking you for your time.
hi judy, Ive sent you an email 🙂