It’s that time of year again. Can you help us out?
Tulips were a ‘really big thing’ for our Gardens’ founders. In the 17th century there was even ‘tulipmania’; massive fortunes were won and lost by enthusiasts and tulip traders.
These days we’re a bit more level headed, but we are mad about the beauty of our spring borders.
Many of our lovely ‘daffs’ come back year after year and naturalise in the orchard and grassy banks. But like tulips, they need renewing every now and then.
This year we have over 2,000 tulips, daffodils and narcissi to plant before the cold frost comes.
Can you help us?
You don’t need to be an expert, just come and join us on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings next week and be part of the planting team. We’ll show you how.
We’ll be planting from 10am – 12.30 . on 29th, 30th November & 1st December. Weather permitting. Warming tea and coffee supplied. Turn up at 10, or contact us in advance.
Plant the little globes full of flower goodness… stand back and wait for a spectacular spring!
PS There will be a lot of kneeling and digging with a hand trowel